Specializing in:
*      Tarot Card Readings
*       Past Life Readings
*     Reuniting Loved ones
*       Psychic Readings
*       Aura Readings 
*    Spiritual   cleansings                               

 Spiritual Readings
I'am Psychic/Spiritualist
Whether you have questions or seeking guidance and solutions about *Love & Relationships,  *LONELINESS let me provide you with positive support to give your heart and spirit deep insights as you traverse the twists and turns of life.

 I have been providing spiritual services for years with reuniting lost lovers and preventing unwanted divorce and separations, breakups, Let me focus on your life, and give you the answers you need
 I can prevent negative energy from surrounding you removing depression, confusion, I restore passion between partners. work and meditation sessions for inner peace for the Mind~Body~Spirit.

Specializing in:
*Tarot Card Readings
*Past Life Readings
*Reuniting Loved ones
*Psychic Readings
*Aura Readings
*Spiritual Cleansings

you have the ability to change your life 
Life is a canvas. You choose how to paint Your lives  all it takes is  inspiration, And guidance
Session's are  by phone or walk in's   
 We wish you success and blessings             Call (586)222-8737

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